Poll: Overwhelming Support for Working Parents Tax Cut in MI
April 12, 2024

Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.com
New polling shows 76 percent of Michigan voters support a $1 billion tax cut for working parents to help pay for necessities like groceries, housing, and child care - while still allowing them to plan for the future.
The poll of 500 people was conducted by Impact Research for the group Michigan Future.
"People want independence and freedom to make their own choices. People need access to capital, not necessarily more government programs for support," said Angelique Power, a board member of Michigan Future.
"We need to trust our working parents across the state, in cities and small towns, and everywhere in between."
Michigan Future says more than 250,000 children would be eligible for the fully refundable tax credit of $5,000 for children under age three, and $2,500 for children from age three up to six years old.
Bills were introduced this week in both the Michigan House and Senate.
"If you're serious about helping working parents. If you're serious about doing it at scale. If you're serious about helping parents specifically with the cost of raising children, this is the best way to do it," said Lou Glazer, president of Michigan Future.
A link the polling results can be found below.