A request to recall the supervisor of Putnam Township has been withdrawn.

Putnam Township Supervisor Dennis Brennan contacted WHMI Thursday evening saying that resident Patrick Glance has removed his recall request from the county. Glance had previously gathered signatures in an attempt to have Brennan recalled when his requests for having unspent money from the 2017 Sarah Drive Road Improvement SAD used for paving his road, Nita Road.

Under Public Act 188, as confirmed by the township’s attorney at Wednesday night’s Board meeting which Glance attended, using the unspent funds like that would have been illegal.

Brennan, who said following that meeting that he wasn’t worried about a recall, said Thursday that he was still relieved and grateful that Glance withdrew it. The supervisor said he was informed that Glance left a message at the township hall, and was under the impression that Glance was apologetic- realizing he went too far, and was sorry. (MK)