Nik Rajkovic /

A Howell-based roofing company is seeking nominees for a special giveaway to a first responder next month.

"They can be either active or retired. But we are giving away a free roof in the month of November, so we're looking for help from the general public to nominate those who may be in need of a new roof," says Matt Smith, Roofing PD's sales and marketing director.

Smith says those nominating a first responder can do so by email.

"The email address is Basically, what we're looking for is you to share the story of the first responder you're nominating, so we can look into the story and make a decision on who we're going to choose."

"We're hoping to have somebody chosen by the middle of October, so the sooner people can get in their nominations, the better," he added.

Click the link below for contact details.