City Of Novi Receives Pathway Grant
May 8, 2024

Jessica Mathews /
The City of Novi has received grant funds for a pathway project.
SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, has awarded $4.4 (m) million in Transportation Alternatives Program or TAP funding for seven projects for fiscal year 2025.
All seven projects address the transportation safety and accessibility needs of people walking and biking.
The City of Novi was awarded $578,897 for a shared-use pathway and boardwalk connecting the city's ITC trail network to Bosco Fields and Beck Road.
TAP projects are transportation-related improvements to roadways, local streets, and corridors. Most often, they address mobility options through new or enhanced bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. That includes things such as pathways, bike lanes, sidewalks, and pedestrian crossings.
The projects improve the existing transportation system while providing safe new options to help people connect to transit, regional trails, and core service destinations. TAP can also fund green infrastructure projects that mitigate environmental concerns from the road network.
Amy O’Leary, SEMCOG Executive Director, said "Creating a transportation system that provides access for everyone begins with safety. Each of these projects will make a significant difference in the ability of all people, especially those who walk or bike, to reach their destinations with greater comfort and safety."
Meanwhile, SEMCOG advises that funding is currently available and communities are encouraged to apply for FY 2026-2028 projects. Details are available in the provided link.