Jessica Mathews /

Huron Valley Schools is emphasizing safety following an alleged “stranger danger” incident.

Superintendent Dr. Paul Salah sent out a district communication regarding the incident, which is attached.

On Friday afternoon, there was a reported incident involving two men driving a black Ford truck with red lettering on it stopping to ask students near Kurtz Elementary if they wanted money.

Fortunately, the district says students acted quickly and safely by following Stranger Danger practices and ran home and told their parents who reported it to Milford Police. There have been no other reports at this time.

Salah said as they continue to prioritize the safety of students, they encourage parents and guardians to talk to their children about "Stranger Danger" and review the following key safety tips:

1. Never talk to strangers: If approached by someone they don’t know, children should avoid speaking to or accepting anything from them.

2. Stay with friends or trusted adults: It’s always safer to walk to and from school or activities in groups, and children should inform a trusted adult if they see anything suspicious.

3. Trust your instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, children should leave the area immediately and seek help from a safe, trusted person—such as a teacher, police officer, or family member.

4. Report unusual activity: Remind children that it’s important to inform a teacher or trusted adult as soon as possible if they are approached by a stranger or see anything unusual.

Salah said they’re working closely with local authorities to monitor the situation and ensure that students are protected.