Tornado Drill Across Michigan Scheduled for 1 This Afternoon
March 19, 2025

Amanda Forrester /
Expect to hear sirens this afternoon during the statewide tornado drill.
Livingston County is one of many participating in Michigan’s tornado drill beginning at 1 p.m. This week also marks the state’s Severe Weather Awareness Week, which is designed to help the public plan ahead of severe weather.
Therese Cremonte, Emergency Management Director for Livingston County, said along with the sirens, people who are signed up for RAVE will also receive a phone call. RAVE is the county’s emergency alert system.
Monthly testing of tornado sirens takes place the first Saturday of every month at noon from April through October in Livingston County.
Cremonte said the best source of up-to-date information regarding severe weather is a weather app or the news, adding that she has three apps on her phone to make sure she has the best information available.
Having a plan in place in the event of a tornado or other severe weather is vital to keeping everyone safe. She said that waiting until bad weather hits is too late.
Everyone should know where to shelter in their home or, for those who live in a manufactured home, where they can go to remain safe in the event of a tornado. A basement is the safest place to be, but for those who don’t have a basement, being in an interior room with no windows and something to take cover under, such as cushions or a blanket, is a good alternative.
A plan for kids and pets is also important, along with having a kit to take with you if you need to evacuate.
MIREADY, an initiative started by the Michigan State Police, has a number of resources to make sure you have everything needed for multiple incidents, including severe weather.
In the event that severe weather does appear to be rolling in around the time the drill is set to start, Cremonte said they will cancel the drill. The test through RAVE will still occur, but there will be an announcement on social media that it’s been canceled.
According to, the state sees around 15 tornados annually. The lead up time for a tornado warning is 10 to 15 minutes, which is why it's so important to have a plan in place before, officials said.
This weekend saw severe storms sweep through multiple states, killing dozens and leaving many more injured and homeless.
The sign up for RAVE and the MIREADY website are linked below.