Washtenaw, Wayne Counties Each Report Cases of Measles
March 4, 2024

Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.com
Both Washtenaw and Wayne Counties each announced cases of measles Sunday, adding to the case of an Oakland County child last month.
Washtenaw County's health department said a measles case was reported Friday at Trinity Health Ann Arbor Emergency Department in Ypsilanti.
The Wayne County case is related to an adult who traveled internationally.
Health officials are working closely with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to identify anyone who might have been exposed to its case. Possible contacts of the individual are being notified by the health department.
Measles is caused by a virus that spreads when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. Although measles can affect anyone, it is most common in children.
Washtenaw County Health Department said symptoms typically begin 7-14 days after exposure, but can appear up to 21 days after.
They include high fever; cough; runny nose; tiny white spots on the inner cheeks, gums and roof of the mouth two to three days after symptoms begin; and a rash that appears three to five days after the first symptoms.