Webberville Tax Rate to Remain Flat Next Fiscal Year
March 25, 2025

Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.com
Webberville Village Council on Monday approved its spending plan for the next fiscal year -- including the millage rate for taxpayers.
"Based upon the council's discussion last meeting preparing for this budget approval, it was council's general consensus to not raise the millage rate," said Council President Sam Schulte.
"This resolution is effectively recognizing that our mils will stay at 13.2. We are not raising taxes."
A question was raised about Webberville's water rate, but Schulte said that was a separate issue.
"We still have to reach out to Michigan Rural Water and have them do a rate study to determine what the appropriate action would be to do with rates and by how much."
A live stream of Monday's meeting is linked below.