Community Build Day Set For New Whitmore Lake Elementary Playground
July 26, 2018
After a year of fundraising and planning, organizers say it’s finally time to build the new playground.
The current playground was original to the school and long overdue for repairs. Along with aging equipment, poor drainage on the site often caused the playground to become un-usable during wet weather. As a result, the school, with help from the community, launched a very successful Project Playground: 50K for Play to help pay for the required fixes. The students at Whitmore Lake Elementary also played a big part in helping design the new structure, which took accessibility for kids with different abilities and needs into consideration.
A community build day on Monday, August 27th is planned to construct the final pieces of equipment and prepare the site for play. Organizers say many hands are needed to help spread over 300 yards of mulch. Various shifts are available from 8am to 8pm, and volunteers are being asked to bring certain types of tools if they have them. If anyone has the following, they are asked to bring them to the event: shovel, heavy rake, wheelbarrow, ratchet 3/8" drive with 9/16" & 5/8" sockets, combination allen wrench, 9/16" & 5/8" wrenches or crescent wrenches.
Those with questions about Community Build Day should contact Heidi Roy-Borland at Photo: Facebook. (JM)