Wixom PD Seeks Info on Suspect Checking Residential Doors
August 3, 2023

April O'Neil / news@WHMI.com
Wixom Police are asking for the public's help in obtaining information on a person who was seen checking the "residential doors" of homes located in various neighborhoods along Wixom Road.
On Thursday, July 27 it is believed the suspect in question (pictured) was checking on doors in the area of N. Wixom Road and Hopkins Drive, located near the entrance to Northridge Estates on Loon Lake.
The suspect was also spotted on Monday, Aug 1 in the Tribute townhome community, located near Wixom Road and Pontiac Trail.
The neighborhoods are located less than two miles apart from each another.
It appears that police were able to use photos taken on outdoor cameras of residents' homes. The Department reported that no homes were entered and officers were unable to locate anyone that matched the photos.
If anyone has information on the suspect in question, they are asked to call the Wixom Police Department at 248-624-6114.