Nik Rajkovic /

Wixom's Planning Commission on Monday rejected a request by Sheetz convenience store to move into a former Rite Aid location at Pontiac Trail and Beck Road.

"They didn't feel there was going to be a very good mix of businesses there, specifically on that intersection there are three existing gas stations," says Assistant City Manager Drew Benson.

"Based on what I heard from the Planning Commission, that was a key consideration for them, looking to diversify the businesses in that area, as opposed to having one type."

Benson praised both sides for what he described as a positive discussion about the changing retail landscape, and ongoing challenge of repurposing closed box stores and stand alone pharmacies.

"With the pretty significant change in retail real estate, when we talk about Rite Aid, CVS and Walgreens, with the number of locations that have closed. I think that's part of what spurs these new conversations about what are appropriate uses for those locations. It's a lot of open space to come up, essentially at the same time," he said.

At this point, Benson says he's unaware of any other Wixom locations Sheetz may be looking at.