Work Underway at LCHV's 1859 Kirkland House
March 26, 2025

Nik Rajkovic /
Renovations are underway this week on the 1859 Kirkland House out at the Livingston Centre Historical Village in Fowlerville.
"We have taken funds from the last two Fall Fests and planned out, and bid out a project to repair and do some restoration on Kirkland House. They're bringing the walls in and shoring them up. Over the next couple weeks, they'll be replacing the roof," says LCHV Chair Erin Voyles.
According to the Fowlerville Family Fair website, the Kirkland House was moved from Iosco Township in 1990 and donated by Geo. Kirkland III.
LCHV is working with Metal Roofs of Michigan out of Williamston, and C.L.E. Construction of Corunna.
"The total cost of the project is $35,000 to restore the walls and also to replace the roof," said Voyles. "We're splitting it up in phases so we don't exhaust our funds.
LCHV also is accepting donations for it's annual "Grandma's Attic" fundraiser in May. See the links below for more details.
Please contact the Historical Village at for more information regarding sponsorships.