Jessica Mathews /

An upcoming seminar will focus on some tough topics that many people might be dealing with but don’t always talk about.

Livingston County Catholic Charities is hosting "Loneliness & Isolation: The Next Health Crisis" this Wednesday. It will focus on the effects that isolation and loneliness can have on a person mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Speakers will be from IHA Medical Group, Livingston County Catholic Charities, and a featured Veteran sharing their first-hand experience combating isolation and loneliness. The seminar will also highlight programs and resources available to combat isolation in a person’s own life.

The event is open to the public and free of charge. It will take place this Wednesday from 9am to 1pm at the Livingston County EMS Building off Tooley Road.

To RSVP, call or email Beth Newman at 517-545-5944 -

An event flyer is attached.